The Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Foundation for Arts & Education
The Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Foundation for Art and Education assists educational/cultural institutions with educating underserved youth and increasing public awareness about African American history and ancestry, by exposing and bridging cultural and societal gaps while addressing stereotypes and social ills. Utilizing The Kinsey African American Art and History Collection, an award-winning traveling museum exhibition consisting of primary source historical objects and art, our programming is designed to address the large gaps in education in the areas of American History/Arts and highlight the significant accomplishments of African Americans in building this nation. Our work is done through exhibitions, public programs, lectures, books, workshops and training seminars with schools and organizations.
If you want to change a person, the first thing you must do is change their awareness of themselves, it starts with their consciousness. Our work provides youth with the historical information and context that empowers, improves self- esteem, raises success rates, lowers dropout rates, and reduces violent/criminal behavior. We believe that to a large degree, our vulnerable children do not succeed because they are not taught their rich history of achievement and contribution. African American history is not taught/viewed as the integral part of the fabric of American history that it is, and therefore African American children do not see themselves in the broader picture, narrative in America, or their unlimited potential. Children of all races benefit from this knowledge, as they are able to get a broader and more accurate knowledge of American history and draw inspiration from it; dispelling myths and shattering stereotypes, allowing them to view African Americans in a positive light.
Special programming includes: an eighteen page Newspaper in Education (NIE), study guide, Power Point presentations, web site, videos, catalogues and an innovative delivery system developed with Apple Computer to reach students on iPads, iPods and iPhones. In 2009, an African American History curriculum based on The Kinsey Collection was developed and implemented by the Florida Department of Education for 3.2 million students in grades K-12 statewide. That curriculum is currently being updated to meet the new National Core Standards, with the goal of expanding to school districts across the country, with great progress being made in California, with the support of the California Department of Education and Superintendents statewide.
Kinsey Collection at Holocaust Museum Houston, 2024